News Article

Mowah Prequalifies for Jordan PPP Project

The Ministry of Education, Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has selected the Consortium of Mowah Co. (CJSC) and Alghanim International as one of the prequalified bidders for the Jordan Schools PPP Project.

The project will benefit 18 different schools located in three different governorates in Jordan – Amman, Zarqa, and Madaba. The project is expected to have a total contract duration of  20 years which is composed of a two (2) year construction-period and an 18-year maintenance period. The scope of the project includes design, construction, facilities management, stakeholder management, environmental and social management, and lastly hand-back of the building at the end of the maintenance period.

As part of the project requirements, the winning bidder is expected to comply with  IFC Performance Standards (2012),  (World Bank Group General EHS Guidelines (2007), and EBRD Performance Requirements (2019), in addition to relevant Jordanian environment, social health and safety legislation, any relevant building, permitting, and regulatory standards for the construction, testing and commissioning of all schools.